Future Leadership Compass

Successful managers need different skills at different levels of an organisation or company. As a manager, you can prepare yourself for the demands of each level and ensure that you have the competencies and skills, taking into account your job-related values and use of time, not only to be successful, but also to steer your idea or vision into the desired future, taking into account the organisational strategy, and to successfully overcome the challenges.

A world characterised by both VUCA and BANI elements requires certain key competencies that are relevant and important in both environments in order to be successful. The transition from one leadership role to another is fluid and the individual levels are an integral part of acquiring new or additional competences and letting go of old activities. By letting go of old activities, you sharpen your focus/emphasis on the job requirements of the new management level. The competences acquired need to be accumulated and should ideally be taken along as a prerequisite for the next level. It is a constant creation of added value and a move towards the desired future to ensure sustainable and economic security in the interaction between the company levels and the overall organisation.

Level Job-related values / skills Key competences
Strategic leadership of the
entire company or an organisation
(e.g. foundation)

  • Driving forward the overall strategy
  • Responsibility for the overall success of the company
  • Shaping the corporate culture
  • Management of the Executive Board
  • Visionary thinking
  • Visionary thinking and strategic anticipation
  • Using the power of collective knowledge
  • Self-leadership competence
  • Systems Thinking

Operational management of the
entire company or the management of
business divisions incl. leading
managers or part of a management committee

  • Operational implementation of overall strategy
  • Shaping corporate culture
  • Management of a business unit
  • Leading managers
  • Development of leadership qualities, coaching/
    mentoring and the monitoring of performance
  • Resource and interface management
  • Member of a management committee
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Decision-making ability
  • Networked thinking
  • Increase productivity and company performance
  • Understanding the company as a learning environment
  • Self-reflection – everything achieved, everything
    experienced and now?
  • Self-leadership competence

Management of individuals / teams

  • Ability to lead and motivate others
  • Support for employees
  • Setting expectations and monitoring the
  • Ability to lead and coordinate teams effectively
  • Ability to inspire
  • Knowing the needs and strengths of the team
  • Development of team objectives
  • Promotion of cooperation
  • Solving conflicts
  • Adaptivity
  • Collaboration and networking
  • Communication as a leadership competence
  • Mindful leadership competence
  • Self-leadership competence

Self-management /individual
contribution to a company

  • Work independently and manage yourself
  • Deliver results
  • Personal responsibility for one’s own work
  • Self-motivation
  • Achievement of personal goals
  • Self-organised work
  • Resilience
  • Agility
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Empathy
  • Developing one’s own identity
  • Perceptual competence
  • Self-leadership competence
  • Holistic understanding

And this is how we accompany and support you in the desired form of learning and needs

Level Education and
further education
Coaching education Workshops/
Programmes for
Cert. Member
of the Board
of Directors

Brain for Business

for companies
for all management
levels within a
Cert. Member
of the Executive

Holistisches Leadership Mentoring | Weiterbildung Verwaltungsrat

Brain for Business

Vision Peak

for companies
for all management
levels within a

Cert. Holistic and
Mindful Leader

Holistisches Leadership Mentoring

Federal diploma
in business

Dipl. Potential &
Career Coach

Dipl. Business &
Leadership Coach

Brain for Business

Mindful leadership

contribution to a
Cert. Holistic and
Mindful Leader

Holistisches Leadership Mentoring

Federal diploma
in business

Cert. Integral Coach

Akademie Für Führungskräfte

Brain for Business

Mindful leadership