In the modern business world, employee development and retention are decisive factors for the sustainable success of a company. These two aspects are closely linked and make a significant contribution to increasing productivity and ensuring the future viability of a company. Through holistic leadership and skilful future management, managers can effectively overcome these challenges and create a positive corporate culture that promotes the growth of both employees and the company and makes the collective knowledge visible.

Holistic leadership considers people as a whole and creates an environment in which all aspects of working life have a place. The aim is to enable employees to develop not only their professional skills, but also their personal development. Holistic leadership comprises several core principles:

  • Holistic thinking
  • Systemic perspective
  • Empathy and mindfulness
  • Ethical leadership
  • Participation and inclusion
  • Creativity and innovation
  • Resilience and adaptability

These principles aim to create a positive, sustainable and productive working environment in which both the company and individual employees can thrive. Holistic leadership emphasises the importance of balance and harmony between different elements of company life and promotes a culture based on trust, collaboration and holistic prosperity. There are numerous studies that have investigated the benefits of holistic leadership and related concepts such as mindful leadership, sustainable leadership and have paved the way for this attitude and mindset. There are already interesting insights into how artificial intelligence and holistic leadership can be combined and utilised and therefore represent not only a solution-oriented but also a future-oriented competence that every manager should make use of.

The statement that the future belongs to holistic leadership can be underpinned by several current trends and developments in the world of work and can be seen as a future paradigm. Managers should not hesitate to take these steps today and, based on their own business DNA, history and culture, think about implementation for the benefit of sustainable success.