Mindful leadership competence
Mindfulness is strongly connected to the Buddhist way of thinking and is also not alien to the Western Christian tradition. The concept of mindfulness is increasingly being taken up by business and companies are trying to integrate it more systematically into their context and culture. Learning mindfulness is not about a cognitive process, but aims at a positive basic attitude, an attitude that helps to strengthen mental abilities. In the 1980s, the concept of mindfulness found its way into scientific research and is closely linked to the MBSR programmes developed by Jon Kabat-Zinn. In all religions and cultures there are long traditions that carry the basic idea of mindfulness. It is beneficial in today’s world to draw on this knowledge and understand mindfulness as a key skill for the future.
Answers to the ever-increasing complexity of the working world were sought in a wide variety of continuing education or health management programs, but today these can only cover the needs of an ambiguous digital society to a limited extent. More and more, successful companies are using the approaches of ethical and mindful leadership, which focuses on appreciative communication and reintegrates the individual into teams or the entire organization. The emergence of this value culture enables sustainable and meaningful corporate success.
Aim of the module
To learn the basics of mindful leadership and to understand and use them in a business context.
Benefits for you and the company
The key dimensions of a mindful attitude in a company are:
- Clarity and insightfulness
- Consciously experiencing the present and enabling conscientious and purposeful action through the spectrum of possible actions
- Increasing resilience at all levels of the company
- Networked thinking
- Self-regulation and impulse control (minimising distractions)
- Decrease of negative strategies
The six thematic fields of the module
- Key competence for leadership
- Ethics as the basis of humane leadership
- Effectiveness of mindful leadership
- Individual strengths become collective weaknesses
- Dealing with dilemmas
- Cultural analysis – how does a community of values emerge
In a service society, employees are the social capital and form the basis of every company through collective knowledge. It is a community of values that contributes to the successful effectiveness of the company and promises sustainable, as well as quantitative and qualitative success for the future.