Further education federal Dipl. company mentor

Coaching package – how to support your continuing education in a goal-oriented way!

Federal FA company mentor / Coach SCA

A key success factor for stable companies lies in their dynamic potential. What seems like a contradiction at first glance is increasingly turning into a new paradigm.

Holistically managed companies can adapt to completely unexpected situations in a very short time and are able to carry out a mindful change process even in times of crisis.

Never before has a company’s values been so important as in this fast-moving world. And never before have coaches and mentors been so relevant to maintaining and promoting “human capital”.

Change brings with it a multitude of uncertainties, especially when its effects are felt on a personal level as much as on a structural level. Leadership must adapt in the same way and become more individual, agile, integral and transformational.

This is where the value of holistic mentoring becomes apparent. Executive mentors can draw on a diverse portfolio of tools and methods in their mentoring concepts. Your interventions are based on effective models and involve different factors for self-empowerment and empowerment:

Mindset: From a problem focus, which often dominates the mindset at the beginning of a change, clients develop a positive mindset in challenging situations. You strengthen your values and find your new purpose of business.

Change of perspective: Clients learn to look at a situation multidimensionally and by including different points of view. This opens up new insights and expands the spectrum of options for action. In addition, the feeling of empathy and the willingness to integrate the needs of others into a solution increases.

Resource promotion and maintenance: Awareness of one’s own strengths and resources promotes the willingness to dare new things and to grow through challenges. Existing know-how should not be lost, but transformed to the level of the new corporate world.

Cultural agility: Internalising new agile mindsets and values is a process that calls for professional mentoring. A positive error culture, an appreciative sense of responsibility and an attitude of trust are key factors in this.

Empowerment: The redesigned FA Mentor course is based on additional competences that are experienced and learned. One knows the important interlocking mechanisms of how to empower employees, leaders or teams in finding solutions and expanding options for action. It is part of the cultural development of a company. Self-management and a self-directed learning and development culture are more than ever among the key competences of our time.

Dipl. Executive Mentor*in | Course Federal Dipl. company mentor

You can expect these key topics during your training to optimally prepare you for the federal examination:

  • Professional Business Coaching
  • Roles in company mentoring
  • Role clarification – role awareness
  • Resource biography – ZRM
  • Human image
  • Resilience in corporate mentoring
  • Ikigai – Purpose
  • Personal Grow
  • Goals in company mentoring
  • The personal support concept as a company mentor
  • Holistic Mentoring – Life Balance & Vocation
  • Strengths-orientated career coaching
  • Professionally documented client sessions
  • Self-management – Decision coaching – Tetralemma
  • Specialised work – structure & concept (examination element)
  • Values in coaching and mentoring
  • Exam training case studies
  • Exam training for technical interview

Mentoring expands the range of interventions of a coach with methods of knowledge transfer, counselling, training and moderation. An important part of their extended skills portfolio is the transparent and skillful handling of the associated role changes.

Your task as a mentor is to support and accompany employees and customers within an organisation (company, school, club, association). You can fulfil these tasks as part of this organisation or as an external mentor.

You support people in their working and professional environment and the associated change and development processes.

As an integrally trained mentor, you also know how to support your clients with needs and issues that go beyond the professional field.

You are able to organise selective interventions for acute issues and develop an accompanying concept for process-oriented issues.

Your training will lead you to a federal certificate as a company mentor, an association qualification as an SCA coach and an internationally recognised qualification as a certified company mentor – Holistic Business Mentor CIS.

Never before has a company’s values been so important as in this fast-moving world. And never before have coaches and mentors been so relevant to maintaining and promoting “human capital”.

Change brings with it a multitude of uncertainties, especially when its effects are felt on a personal level as much as on a structural level. Leadership must adapt in the same way and become more individual, agile, integral and transformational.

This is where the value of holistic mentoring becomes apparent. Business mentors with an integral understanding can draw on a diverse portfolio of tools and methods in their mentoring concepts. Your interventions are based on effective models and involve different factors for self-empowerment and empowerment:

Here you can book the training directly online

Further education federal Dipl. company mentor

This training programme includes the necessary elements of personal development that are required for admission to the federal examination.

Your are able to design selective interventions for acute issues and to develop a support concept for process-oriented issues.

To give you the security you need to pass successfully the federal examinations for the company mentor certificate, we will train you in all the elements of the examination and strengthen your self-confidence so that you can present yourself at the examination in accordance with your competences.

Your personal development process, which is an integral part of your federal diploma as an Mentor/Coach SCA, you will experience the incomparable empowerment setting of the LIVING SENSE culture.

This training is subject-financed. This means that once you have passed the federal examination, regardless of the result, 50% of the course costs you have financed will be reimbursed by the federal government.

Please check under the heading “Prerequisites” whether you have direct access to this level of training.

You can find more information on the specially designed website:

Company mentor with a federal certificate (coaching-institut.ch)


Find out more about the possibilities offered by our modular tiered model and the associated subject financing:

Don’t miss our coaching package